Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid
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about bitcoin atms - what are they

Bitcoin ATMs

Bitcoin machines are often called "Bitcoin ATMs", which explains their function well. However, these modern self-service machines also allow you to exchange other cryptocurrencies than BTC.

Like traditional ATMs, Bitcoin ATMs are self-service devices that make it easy to withdraw cash from crypto. The difference is that these are not funds from a bank account, but money that the client has received for their BTC. Bitcoin ATMs work in two directions. Thanks to this, you can not only sell, but also buy cryptocurrencies.

Most ATMs on the site offer LTC, ETH, USDT, BTC and TRX transactions.

The most important advantages of Bitcoin ATMs

Supporters of the Bitcoin ATMs primarily appreciate the possibility of exchanging money at any time and especially on the way to their destination or when coming back from it. You do not have to make an appointment at the exchange office or wait for the money to be credited to your account. It is enough to approach one of the many Bitcoin ATMs available all over Madrid and you can immediately start buying or selling crypto. In addition, thanks to the fact that Bitcoin ATMs are fully self-service, they provide a greater level of privacy.

What is the process of buying BTC at a Bitcoin ATM?

Buying BTC at a Bitcoin ATM is extremely simple and requires only some basic information. Of course, the most important thing is the wallet address, which can be scanned from the QR code. Then, the customer has to insert the appropriate number of banknotes (10 EUR and more). After each banknote, the information on how much BTC will go to the client's wallet will be displayed. After inserting the last banknote, all you need to do is click Send Bitcoins, and the funds will be sent to the wallet address provided at the beginning.

How to sell Bitcoins in a Bitcoin ATM?

Selling Bitcoins is as intuitive as buying. In this case, the client starts by specifying the amount he wants to withdraw at a given moment (more than the lowest banknote of a currency available at an ATM, eg. 10 EUR). The wallet address that needs to be topped up with the cryptocurrency will be displayed. The amount of BTC will be displayed on the screen. After sending BTC and posting the transaction, the customer will receive the code necessary to withdraw cash.

Find the nearest Bitcoin ATM in Madrid

Find the nearest Bitcoin ATM

You can find Bitcoin ATMs in the largest Spanish cities. Now, that you are ready, check the list of Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid on the map.