Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid
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A quick guide to investing in cryptocurrencies through Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid
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A quick guide to investing in cryptocurrencies through Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid

Another great feature of Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid is the ability to sell your cryptocurrency and receive cash in return anonymously.

If you’re new to the world of crypto and live in the Madrid area, you may want to know where you can start. You may be familiar with Bitcoin and Ethereum.

You may be interested in the technology side of things, and maybe how crypto will be implemented into our daily lives in the future or perhaps you would like to start on the road to investing. There are many aspects of crypto which appeal to different people, but the main thing is to know the basics. Blockchain is an exciting new technology which many people believe has future potential to become a global link between people and systems around the world.

The various features of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid

One of the facets of blockchain is its irreversible action which cannot be altered or taken back once processed. This means that no institution can meddle with it after the fact, and everybody can see that transaction on the ledger, as every transaction is recorded. This means it is fully transparent.

Next, cryptocurrencies are stored in virtual wallets which only require special personal keys to access and no-one without these keys can gain access to that wallet. This brings the power back to the people for securing their own funds and away from the centralization from, for example, banks.

Finally, all wallets are anonymous and no-one can know who they belong to unless somebody decides to share this information. This allows the users who buy these cryptocurrencies to be safe from being tracked and watched by third-parties like governments or institutions.

Low Transaction Fees with Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid

If you're looking for a convenient and cost-effective way to buy and sell your favorite coins, there are many Bitcoin ATMs located in Spain, these being physical machines which you can visit in person and which take your cash in return for crypto or vice versa. Of the many operators which the author has tried in the Madrid region, including BTC facil and BitBase, the Bitcoin ATMs from are some of the better ones. They are the only Bitcoin ATM operator in the world that regularly lowers their service fee below 3%, or even reaches 0%. 

According to CoinATMradar, which tracks over 40,000 ATMs worldwide, the average fee for such transactions is between 8% and 15%. However, some bitcoin ATM operators, such as,  frequently charge 0% commission and has an average fee of 4.5%.

Additionally, the company occasionally offers special promotions where users can get up to +3% extra value compared to exchanges, which are announced on social media. This means when making a transaction the user does not need to pay a fee, but instead a fee is paid to them, meaning they get a bonus extra amount of cryptocurrency which they are buying or a little extra in cash, when selling their cryptocurrency.

Selling Crypto for Cash

Another great feature of Bitcoin ATMs is the ability to sell your cryptocurrency and receive cash in return. This is a great option for those who want to have cash on hand in an instant - just like at an ordinary ATM. The only difference in this instance is that the cryptocurrency that you own must be sent to the address shown on the ATM, and after the operator has confirmed receipt of it, the equivalent of the cash value is cashed out to you in banknotes. This is another great use of instant transactions which Bitcoin ATM allow.

Convenience for Beginners

Bitcoin ATMs are also a great option for beginners who want to enter the crypto market without dealing with an exchange platform or waiting for bank account verification. Recently,   increased the KYC limit to 1000 EUR in Spain, and transactions below that limit don't require any personal information or ID verification.

How to get started with buying Bitcoin at a Bitcoin ATM?

  1. Obtain a Bitcoin wallet like Exodus (easy to use) or Mycelium (has the best mobile app) wallet by going to their websites and downloading their app.
  2. Go to a Bitcoin ATM (nearby Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid here)
  3. Select BTC, the abbreviation for Bitcoin
  4. Open your wallet and find the QR code with your Bitcoin address
  5. Display the QR code on your phone and scan it at the ATM
  6. Insert the cash into the ATM
  7. Choose the miners fees and complete the transaction
  8. Wait for the Bitcoin to arrive in your wallet. 
  9. If you have any questions, ring up customer support agents

Manufacturing and Expansion

Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid design, build, manufacture, and ship its Bitcoin ATMs, and the company is constantly expanding to many new countries beyond Europe such as Peru, Argentina, and El Salvador.


In conclusion, using a Bitcoin ATM in the Madrid region offers a convenient, fast, and cost-effective way for beginners and investors to buy and sell their favorite cryptocurrencies. With low transaction fees and the ability to sell for cash,   Bitcoin ATMs are a great option for anyone looking to enter the crypto market. 

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Learn more

Madrid has become an important hub for Bitcoin enthusiasts. With an increasing number of Bitcoin ATMs in the city, it's easier than ever to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. These machines provide a convenient and secure way to exchange cash for digital currency. If you're interested in using a Bitcoin ATM in Madrid, you can find more information on locations, fees, and reviews on the Cajero Bitcoin Madrid website.

To help you get started, here are some useful resources:

  1. Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid – a comprehensive list of Bitcoin ATMs in the city.
  2. FAQ about Bitcoin ATMs – answers to common questions related to Bitcoin ATMs.
  3. Blog – a collection of informative articles and news related to Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid and beyond.

In addition to these resources, you can also find specific information on individual Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid, such as:

  1. Bitcoin ATM at Calle Oslo 53
  2. Bitcoin ATM at Centro Comercial Madrid Sur
  3. Bitcoin ATM at Madrid Centro Comercial Las Rosas

Whether you're an experienced cryptocurrency investor or just getting started, Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid offer a quick and convenient way to buy and sell digital currency.

Juan Carli

Blockchain developer, used to own 2 Bitcoin ATM locations in Madrid

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what is this blog about?

Blog for Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid

The community of investors using Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid is growing quite rapidly. New devices are popping up every month. Prices, fees, KYC and Bitcoin all fluctuate quite visibly. It is becoming harder and harder to stay in the loop of what is happening in the Bitcoin ATM market in Madrid. With this blog, you are able to follow the recent developments and never miss out on changes in law or new methods of trading crypto privately with cash.